Redken Color Fusion Chart

Welcome to the world of Redken Color Fusion Chart, a comprehensive guide designed to empower you with the knowledge and techniques to achieve stunning hair color transformations. Whether you’re a seasoned colorist or just starting your hair coloring journey, this chart will be your trusted companion, providing you with the insights and guidance you need to create vibrant, healthy, and long-lasting hair color.

The Redken Color Fusion Chart is a meticulously crafted tool that categorizes hair colors into families and levels, making it easy to determine the perfect shade for your desired look. It also provides expert recommendations on pigment and developer combinations, ensuring predictable and consistent color results every time.

Overview of Redken Color Fusion Chart

Redken Color Fusion Chart

The Redken Color Fusion Chart is a comprehensive guide to Redken’s hair color products, designed to assist hair colorists in selecting the perfect shades and formulations for their clients.

It provides a detailed overview of the Redken color portfolio, including the different color lines, shades, and their corresponding formulas. The chart is organized by color family, making it easy for colorists to find the desired shades quickly and efficiently.

The Redken Color Fusion Chart is an invaluable tool for hair colorists, providing a visual guide to color combinations and tones. If you’re looking for a quick reference to multiplication tables, check out the multiplication chart 1 30 for an easy-to-read layout.

Returning to the Redken Color Fusion Chart, it showcases a range of shades and highlights, making it easier to achieve the perfect color for your clients.

Intended Audience

The Redken Color Fusion Chart is primarily intended for professional hair colorists who use Redken products in their salons. It is an essential tool for colorists to stay up-to-date on the latest color trends and techniques, and to ensure they are using the correct products and formulations for their clients’ hair.

Color Families and Levels

Redken color fusion chart

The Redken Color Fusion Chart organizes hair colors into different families and levels. These two factors play a crucial role in understanding the hair’s current state and determining the appropriate color treatment.

With the Redken Color Fusion Chart, you can achieve the perfect hair color every time. If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to fingerings for the bass clarinet, check out this finger chart for bass clarinet . Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll be able to play any note with ease.

And with the Redken Color Fusion Chart, you’ll always have the perfect color to match your style.

Color Families

The chart encompasses the following color families:

  • Natural
  • Cool
  • Warm
  • Gold
  • Red
  • Violet

Each family represents a specific range of hues and undertones, providing a comprehensive spectrum of color options.

Color Levels

Color levels refer to the lightness or darkness of a hair color. The chart uses a numerical scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the darkest and 10 being the lightest. Understanding color levels is essential for determining the appropriate amount of lift or deposit needed to achieve the desired hair color.

For example, if a client has Level 5 (medium brown) hair and wants to achieve Level 9 (light blonde), the stylist would need to lift the hair by four levels to achieve the desired lightness.

Pigment and Developer Guide

The Redken Color Fusion system utilizes various pigments and developers to achieve a wide range of color results. Pigments are the color molecules that deposit onto the hair, while developers are the agents that activate the pigments and allow them to penetrate the hair shaft.

Types of Pigments

  • Permanent Pigments:These pigments penetrate deep into the hair shaft and create long-lasting color results.
  • Demi-Permanent Pigments:These pigments deposit on the hair’s surface and gradually fade over time, typically lasting up to 24 washes.
  • Semi-Permanent Pigments:These pigments adhere to the hair’s surface and are removed with each wash.

Role of Developers, Redken color fusion chart

Developers come in different strengths, measured in volumes (vol.). The higher the volume, the stronger the developer and the more it will lift the hair’s natural pigment. Developers are typically mixed with pigments in a 1:1 ratio.

Pigment and Developer Combinations

The following table provides recommended pigment and developer combinations for various color results:

Color ResultPigmentDeveloper (vol.)
Natural-looking colorPermanent10
Lift up to 2 levelsPermanent20
Lift up to 3 levelsPermanent30
Tone and refresh colorDemi-Permanent10
Enhance natural colorSemi-PermanentClear

Toning and Corrective Color

Redken color fusion chart

The Redken Color Fusion Chart is an essential tool for stylists when it comes to toning and corrective color techniques. By understanding the underlying color theory and using the chart as a guide, stylists can achieve precise and beautiful results.Toning

involves adding a semi-permanent or demi-permanent color to the hair to enhance or neutralize existing tones. The chart can help stylists select the appropriate toner based on the desired outcome, whether it’s to add warmth, cool down brassiness, or create a more vibrant hue.Corrective

color is used to fix color mistakes or unwanted tones. The chart provides guidance on how to select the correct corrective color based on the underlying pigment and desired outcome. For example, to correct a brassy blonde, a violet-based toner can be used to neutralize the yellow tones.

Troubleshooting and Best Practices: Redken Color Fusion Chart

When working with the Redken Color Fusion Chart, it’s essential to anticipate potential issues and implement best practices to ensure optimal results.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  • Uneven Color Distribution:Inconsistent application or incorrect developer selection can lead to uneven color. Ensure thorough mixing and use the recommended developer strength for your desired level of lift.
  • Brassy Tones:Warm undertones may appear if the color is not properly neutralized. Utilize toners or blue-based correctors to counteract unwanted warmth.
  • Over-Processing:Excessive processing time can damage hair and result in undesirable results. Strictly adhere to recommended processing times and monitor the hair’s condition during the process.

Best Practices for Optimal Results

  1. Accurate Diagnosis:Determine the client’s natural hair level and desired color outcome to select the appropriate shades and developers.
  2. Precise Measurement:Use measuring tools and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure accurate mixing ratios.
  3. Sectioning:Divide hair into manageable sections to ensure even application and prevent overlapping.
  4. Application Technique:Apply color from roots to ends, working in small sections and saturating the hair evenly.
  5. Processing Time:Monitor the hair’s condition and adhere to the recommended processing time for your desired level of lift and color intensity.

By following these troubleshooting tips and best practices, stylists can achieve consistent and desirable color results with the Redken Color Fusion Chart.